Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Year 1, Day 270"

This is Day 268 of the first year I David Thompson Jr./Manager  @CapitalTyzz have been working with Chris "C.T Anxious" Thompson @Ct_Anxious/Artist, T.T "Cobra" Thompson/Artist, Devon "Yung Dev" Thompson @vaskllz703/Artist, and Mikey "Fresh" Robinson/Producer/Artist @fresh703va also known as Capital Tyzz. When you have a big family, you tend to have a lot of different characters and out of those characters comes a lot of talent. Now i am sure we all were encouraged to express our talents as kids in one way or another. Participating in sports, church choir, go to work with dad day, including over night shifts which for some reason we enjoyed. Just a few ways our parents encouraged us to express our talents, skills which we all benefit from today. Except church choir has changed to Hip-Hop music, Kind in nature but don't Cross that li____ne.... 

I wanted to start this blog to give a behind the scenes look at our journey as Independent Artist in Northern Virginia.

In February of 2011 703 Fam (In a meeting I suggested the a name change, and they all agreed)  accepted my request to help manage them as a group, and as manager I would along with the group come up with a plan to get their music heard. I would think that's what any artist would want. Me, I played sports even though music has always been an important part of my life, through the good and bad times. So the industry I have always paid close attention to.  I have always enjoyed watching artist come and go, seeing the brand that they have built and how they go about marketing themselves to the public something I feel artist, well their management have become great at.  Rap has never been something I seen myself doing, I'm more of a behind the scenes person. I don't really  need to be seen. Our Journey to this day has been a lot of meetings, studio sessions, family get together, new and old jobs, kids and everything else life has to throw at you. With everything, Through our Lord that strengthens us, we can do anything. And I choose to. We all do... 

O Yeah Capital Tyzz. Capital standing for the area we are from/representing the DMV
     Tyzz standing for the relationships or Tyzz we have through out the DMV family, friends etc.

                                          It's Capital Tyzz, It's No Lies


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