Tuesday, October 9, 2012

More than Music

After Work, Your Hustle, Your Grind.... There is your personal life, your relationships, your hobbies,  yourself. If your personal  life isn't in some type of order your work will be effected.. When you have so many other unimportant interference in your life how can you really focus on the things you need to. Without any order how can you set a plan or goals for yourself down the line. Not everyones path is the same. We don't learn and go through the same things at the same time, but coming together we all can learn from one another.

These are just a few of the issues we as a team have discussed during our meetings over the past year and a half.  Since we made the decisions to come together to work towards a common goal, we all have to use our own abilities to make it work. Doing Your Part, taking accountability for the direction of your life. Even if music wasn't your direction, what are you doing to move forward period. The one thing about music is it allows you to be as creative as you want. It's open to your discretion, whatever you want to create just get in the booth.  In my personal opinion, I think a lot of people try to become musical artist because they are looking for something to do feeling they have limited options. Instead of looking for opportunities that may take some serious time and effort, the hours of a musical artist seem to be a more attractive way to live. This is one thing I had to find out about us..

From the time we started, we have all had to learn and have continued to learn how to manage our schedules around pur personal work and music lives.

1st on the agenda Jobs that pay money- We all need money in our pocket, and being independent artist you have to invest back in yourself.  Expenses come from every where just like a Business, so that's how you have to think about it. Money helps with your confidence as well.

2nd on the agenda Marketing- How do we want to present ourselves to the public.  How are we going to present ourselves to the public. What will it take to present ourselves to a larger audience. Questions you just don't come up with, these are questions you really have to think about. You represent more then yourself..

3rd on the agenda Meetings-  We are family we don't know everything that goes on in each other minds. I'm also older then Yung Dev by 9 years, C.T by 5 years, Cobra by 4 years and  Fresh 3 years, so naw we don't think the same.  Being able to get together to discuss ideas, progress and the next moves needed to be made as a team I felt was important to our long term progress.

Everything is Equally important...

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