Tuesday, October 2, 2012

703 Fam

Before Capital Tyzz, there was 703 Family. Now this is my perspective because 703 Fam has its own meaning to a lot of people, and in the music industry letting people know where you are from is important. But from a artist stand point, it included the Thompson, Robinson, and Thomas cousins that started making music in (WOW) like 2004.  One of the first songs I remember is "Why I Hustle" written by Fresh, Cobra, Yung Dev, and C.T.

check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAPVHYuAK2s

I still listen to this song today because my fam is still why I hustle. And yes friends are included in that and they know who they are. They made the song on a spur of the moment type thing, in my parents basement in Herndon, VA (Florida Ave) with a  few pieces of equipment, and some paper. From then on a love for making music started. At this time I lived in Huntington, WV going to school, working, living the college life but I still kept up with everything that was going on back home.  So as time went on I continued to hear more and more tracks being produced, and as I would come home I would collect the mixtapes that were being made put them in the CD player and bang them out my stereo when I was back in the West as me and my boys called it. 

Back then though it was all about just making music. From my side I didn't really think about the rhyme or reason behind making music other then just to have something to do, like a outlet I guess.  Being young having fun, freestyling, hanging out, listening to good music are all things a lot of us have done and continue. Some people music interest change but most stay the same.  Music has always been apart of my life and my family's life growing up having to stay upstairs as our parents had party's, or going to events where Big Cuz Anthony and Fantasy Productions which included my Dad and other Big Cuz Paul would DJ.  Big Cuz Anthony still does his thing today as a DJ.

Back to the Story:
Well I returned home for good in 2007 and the 703 Fam was still at work making music. Now I could see a diffrence in there expectations. They were more serious about getting better at writting music, producing music, and wanted more people to hear their music. Me, I was all about getting my two feet back on the ground as I moved back in with my parents in Herndon after living in my own place for the past 5 years.  Hearing and seeing my cousin making music though made me happy as I had seen and heard the progress. Skip to the Spring of 2009 and here come the shows and  Internet presence.  The only way to move forward is by taking action and that's what 703 fam was doing. NOW 703 Fam included more artist, including Maurice (Reese), (Anthony) LaLa, Marcus (Marley @MarleyMArc all cousins as well. But the sound was different and by different I mean better, you could really tell the hunger was there to really do something with there music.  Doing shows in Fall Church, D.C, Manassas, Leesburg, Herndon,  making moves I was impressed, and happy to see the fam making moves. 703 Fam even went to audition for 106 and Parks Wild Out Wednesday in New York.  As 2009 ended and 2010 went on things  started to slow down until nothing was going on. At this time my brain had already started to turn, thinking about how I could help my Fam continue to move forward.  Ahh not having a clear since of how to manage talent especially in the music industry, I received a message that gave me the confidence to make the move I did in 2011. 

Last thing, I always hear people say this and I have also made this statement myself. 

"Everybody wants to make music, be a rapper, or whatever" Yeah its true but its a lot of people who want to work in a lot of industries and it's competitive. This world is competitive. But the people who do rise above the rest do so for a reason. If you don't believe in what you are doing, or don't want to put in the work that may take you to the next level then you might as well quit whatever you doing. No Lies   

Fam in New York headed to they 106 and Park Audtion (L to R: Fresh, Cobra, Pops, Yung Dev)

C.T Anxious and Yung Dev at they First show in Falls Church VA

                        The 703 Fam out on U-Street in D.C getting ready to perform.

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