Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Single "Feel Like"

What's up everybody?
Check out our new single "FEEL LIKE"
"Sometimes I feel like I can't go on, Sometimes I feel like my life's Oover"
I probably have listen to this song a 100 times and I like it every time. Now it took us a little while to decide which song we wanted to put out. C.T, Dev, And Kobra wanted to put out more of a RnB track and Fresh and I wanted to put this one out. I felt like this track would appeal to more people rather then an RnB track that sometimes just appeals to the female audience. Both songs are good songs though, yall will probably hear it sometime in the near future. Check it out though and let us know what you think. All opinions can help one way or another, especially in this industry of making music. Anyways we are going to keep the music coming whether you like it or not so Listen Up.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Interview with King Cobra

Back again with another interview. This time I stopped through Sterling (Jefferson Ave) to have Martino a.k.a Cobra answer a few question for me. Just really trying to give every one a inside look at who Capital Tyzz is and what we about. This is real life here, and nothing has ever been easy for any of us. We gotta continue to fight for what we want out of this life. We also have to make sure we are taking care of ourselves and the people we care about.

Anyways, Check it out.... Gone

How did you get the name King Cobra?

A. Well I got the name because of how I write. When a Cobra doesn't feel threaten it has it's hood down just swaying through life, hence the smooth and mellow RnB side of me. But when a Cobra feels threaten, his hood is up and it's in defense mode. ready to lash out and protect its pride, hence the strong lyrical side of me. Letting people no it's whatever with me, Lls. That's why I Like the name, it suits me.

What types of music do you like making the most?

A. Well I am an up and coming rapper so I enjoy making my lyrics GO you know. But at the same time God has blessed me with an RnB talent to sing and make hook that catch listeners attention. If I had to choose though, it would be my rap side explaining the name Cobra.

Who are some of the people you look up to in Music/Life?

A. Well I look up mostly to my brothers in Capital Tyzz because they continue to motivate me to chase what I want for me. The ones that stand out in music though are, Wiz Khalifa and Bone Thugs, artist that make catchy hooks and lyrics that come at you. Lyrics gotta mean something.

Where were you born and raised?

A. I was born in Reston, VA with all 12 brothers and sisters, with me being in the middle of it all. I moved from place to place finally ending up were I am now in Sterling, VA. I've always stayed close to friends and family through out all the moves. I know it motivates me and the rest of the group to build a foundation of stability in our lives.

Where did you go to School?

A. I graduated and hold my diploma from Park View High School, and its crazy because now a days people don't have the will power to finish what they started. Like they say though, you gotta have something to fall back on, so God has blessed me with that you know.

What's the difference between 703 Fam the group and Capital Tyzz?

A. Well, 703 Fam is our whole family with motivations and ambitions just like the next. We are all hungry and Capital Tyzz is a branch off of that. We just want to show people that we are serious and here to stay. We are always going to represent the 703 Fam becuase703 Fam represent us. At the end of the day we are all going to make it to the top.

Thanks Cobra. Go follow him he just got on Twitter @MartinoThompson

Friday, November 16, 2012

300 Supporters

What's an entertainer without supporters?

One of the goals we talked about as a group is getting back to performing. Doing shows, being requested to do shows, getting paid to do shows. Performers need that platform to entertain people, whether doing shows at local spots, or doing shows at the phone booth (Verizon Center) Wow what would that be like. We all have been to concerts to see our favorite artist perform some of their latest hits. It's an experience to be around 100 or 10,000 people partying to the same music. Any performer or entertainer knows it's their job to reach those people using their talents, and skills to bring happiness to the people who took time out to support.

Even though, yes we may have supporters from the beginning either family or friends. We know that's not enough.  Now we have a big family that extends across the DMV, but we can't depend on family coming to support us at ever show. As a manager, I know if I wanted to set a show for the group I need to be able to SELL Capital Tyzz to either a promoter or bar/club manager on why he should allow us to perform at there venue.  And as we all know money rules. Are we going to be able to bring people into the spot? To the bar to spend money? What is the establishment going to get from allowing us to perform? If nothing then most likely we wont be performing at to many spots. 

Now what does it take to gain supporters? Well I don't have all the answer but common sense will tell me we need to build some type of reputation in the area we are from before we can expand our reach.  That's why I brought up the point to the group that by next summer we should work to have 300 supporters outside of our circle. "I Need To Be Able To SELL Yall".  "Yall have performed before in front of smaller groups, but we need to work to take this next step".  People have to have a connection with your business before they feel like it's something they want to support.  Then if they do come out to support, they need to be entertained so that they continue to support. Quality, Quality, Quality, is what I have preached to the group from the beginning. 

Me, I'm still learning on how to keep track of our supporters. So hopefully by next summer I'll be posting a blog with pictures and video of our show packed with people coming out to support us. And we'll make sure we are ready to put on a show that will help us build on top of that support.

 New Single Coming Soon, Stay Tuned...............

                                                             HELP US REACH 300!
      Send us a email so we can add you to our contact list:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Interview with Young Dev

What's up everybody?
Got another interview here with Young Dev @vaskllz703, the youngest of the group...Follow him on Twitter. 
1.    What do you do other then make music?
Other than making music I go to school part time in Sterling, VA and work in Leesburg, VA. In my free time I listen to beats and write as much as I can.
2.    How are you in relation to the other members
of the group?
Its me and my brotha C.T Anxious and my two cousins Fresh and Cobra . To me we all brothers and we get along just like that.
3.    Where do your lyrics come from?
They come from life experiences and some of my feelings. Me and my borthas never write things that are not true. Try to stay true and real to ourselves and everyone else out there listening to our music.
4.    Did you Vote at this past election?
Yea of course I did! And the results turned out the way I expected.
5.    How do other members of your family feel about you pursuing a career in music?
       I know that support me with whatever I want to pursue, just as I support 
6.    Do you feel there are any changes that can be made to your surrounding community?
I feel like there needs to be more influential people in the community. Someone people can look up to.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Interview with C.T Anxious

Whats Up? Check Out This Interview With C.T Anxious aka Chris Thompson.  I wanted C.T to give you guys his thoughts on the music industry, the music scence in the DMV and whats the next move for Capital Tyzz.   
1. What do you think about the music scene in the DMV?
(A). I feel that there are a lot of musically talented artist out here. Just not enough of them are "branding" themselves. And they are not getting the recognition in our area because labels don't wanna believe our struggles because we're in the so called "suburbs".
2. What is Capital Tyzz going to bring in to the music industry?
(A). We're gonna bring versatility as the main thing. Then we're gonna show true family talent bonding to show the industry how important family is.
3. Who does Capital Tyzz make there music for?
(A). First we make it for ourselves. To help us express out emotions. Get our true feelings out. We make our music for our area next. To get them behind us and show the world that we can make a difference in the music industry with our view of things
4. Where does you motivation come from to make music?
(A). My motivation comes from all the hard work my parents put in to have a roof over my 4 siblings and I heads, doing whatever it took to get us what we wanted even though they had to spend there last. My motivation is no more struggling for my fam.
5. How is it working as a group?
(A). Tough schedule wise. Great because of all the ideas and points of views that  come to the table. Makes it easier for us to relate with others.
6. Who produces you guys music?
(A). I wouldn't say we have 1 producer. We all play a roll
7. How do yall choose your beats?
(A). Honestly we play them 1 by 1. And then whatever beat we feeling at the moment or who ever comes up with a idea first we run with it.
8. What are the next moves for Capital Tyzz?
 (A). The next move for us is to put in the labor of marking ourselves to the public doing whatever it take for people to get to know us
9. What are you guys working on now?
(A). At the moment were working on making as much music and as many songs as we can.
10. How do you feel about the music industry as a whole?

(A). I feel like its missing our influence
11. Who do you feel are the top artist in the industry now?
(A). A lot of artist bring a lot of different things to the game that makes them stand out. Who I hear the most of is Wayne, Drake, 2 Chainz and Maybac Music Group.
Lets us know what you think about the interview or any other thoughts you have about us.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2nd Photo Shoot

(L2R: Fresh, Dev, C.T, Cobra)

Here go a few photos from our second photo shoot. Shout Out Alisha Wallace @ayeciarra for looking out. She came over to Herndon High School and took these pictures for us. I think we got a lot of good pictures here, but we are still learning about the photo game. Taking pictures is a lot more work then it seem, and it don't take much to mess up a picture. Standing to far a way from one another,  looking the wrong way or a pose just not looking right. We learned a lot from this day though and we are looking forward to the next session.
Check out some more of our pictures from our first and second photo shoot